SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (c) 2006-2020, Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
3 // Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
4 // This file may be used, modified and/or redistributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD-License
5 // shipped with this file and also available at:
6 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #pragma once
15 #include <seqan3/std/concepts>
25 namespace seqan3::detail
26 {
65 template <simd_concept simd_score_t, semialphabet alphabet_t, typename alignment_t>
67  requires (seqan3::alphabet_size<alphabet_t> > 1) &&
68  (std::same_as<alignment_t, align_cfg::method_local> ||
69  std::same_as<alignment_t, align_cfg::method_global>)
72 {
73 private:
77  using alphabet_ranks_type = simd_score_t;
79 public:
81  static constexpr scalar_type padding_symbol = static_cast<scalar_type>(1u << (bits_of<scalar_type> - 1));
87  constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme() = default;
100  template <typename scoring_scheme_t>
104  constexpr explicit simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme(scoring_scheme_t const & scoring_scheme)
105  {
106  initialise_from_scalar_scoring_scheme(scoring_scheme);
107  }
110  template <typename scoring_scheme_t>
114  constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme & operator=(scoring_scheme_t const & scoring_scheme)
115  {
116  initialise_from_scalar_scoring_scheme(scoring_scheme);
117  return *this;
118  }
150  constexpr simd_score_t score(alphabet_ranks_type const & ranks1, alphabet_ranks_type const & ranks2)
151  const noexcept
152  {
154  // For global and local alignment there are slightly different formulas because
155  // in global alignment padded characters always match
156  if constexpr (std::same_as<alignment_t, align_cfg::method_global>)
157  mask = (ranks1 ^ ranks2) <= simd::fill<simd_score_t>(0);
158  else // and in local alignment type padded characters always mismatch.
159  mask = (ranks1 ^ ranks2) == simd::fill<simd_score_t>(0);
161  return mask ? match_score : mismatch_score;
162  }
166  constexpr auto padding_match_score() noexcept
167  {
168  return match_score[0];
169  }
172  template <typename alphabet_ranks_t>
174  requires std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<alphabet_ranks_t>, alphabet_ranks_type>
176  constexpr alphabet_ranks_t make_score_profile(alphabet_ranks_t && ranks) const noexcept
177  {
178  return std::forward<alphabet_ranks_t>(ranks);
179  }
181 private:
197  template <typename scoring_scheme_t>
198  constexpr void initialise_from_scalar_scoring_scheme(scoring_scheme_t const & scoring_scheme)
199  {
200  using score_t = decltype(std::declval<scoring_scheme_t const &>().score(alphabet_t{}, alphabet_t{}));
201  using simd_scalar_t = typename simd_traits<simd_score_t>::scalar_type;
203  score_t scalar_match_score = scoring_scheme.score(seqan3::assign_rank_to(0, alphabet_t{}),
204  seqan3::assign_rank_to(0, alphabet_t{}));
205  score_t scalar_mismatch_score = scoring_scheme.score(seqan3::assign_rank_to(0, alphabet_t{}),
206  seqan3::assign_rank_to(1, alphabet_t{}));
208  // Check if the scoring scheme match and mismatch scores do not overflow with the respective scalar type.
209  if constexpr (sizeof(simd_scalar_t) < sizeof(score_t))
210  {
211  if (scalar_match_score > static_cast<score_t>(std::numeric_limits<simd_scalar_t>::max()) ||
212  scalar_mismatch_score < static_cast<score_t>(std::numeric_limits<simd_scalar_t>::lowest()))
213  {
214  throw std::invalid_argument{"The selected scoring scheme score overflows "
215  "for the selected scalar type of the simd type."};
216  }
217  }
219  match_score = simd::fill<simd_score_t>(static_cast<simd_scalar_t>(scalar_match_score));
220  mismatch_score = simd::fill<simd_score_t>(static_cast<simd_scalar_t>(scalar_mismatch_score));
221  }
223  simd_score_t match_score;
224  simd_score_t mismatch_score;
225 };
227 } // namespace seqan3::detail
Provides algorithms to modify seqan3::simd::simd_type.
Provides global and local alignment configurations.
Core alphabet concept and free function/type trait wrappers.
Provides utility functions for bit twiddling.
Adaptions of concepts from the Cereal library.
A vectorised scoring scheme handling matches and mismatches only.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:72
constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme & operator=(simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme &&)=default
constexpr void initialise_from_scalar_scoring_scheme(scoring_scheme_t const &scoring_scheme)
Initialises the simd vector match score and mismatch score from the given scoring scheme.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:198
typename simd_traits< simd_score_t >::scalar_type scalar_type
The underlying scalar type of the simd vector.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:75
constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme & operator=(scoring_scheme_t const &scoring_scheme)
Initialises the simd vector match score and mismatch score from the given scoring scheme.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:114
constexpr simd_score_t score(alphabet_ranks_type const &ranks1, alphabet_ranks_type const &ranks2) const noexcept
Computes the score for two simd vectors.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:150
simd_score_t alphabet_ranks_type
The type of the simd vector representing the alphabet ranks of one sequence batch.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:77
constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme(simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme const &)=default
constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme & operator=(simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme const &)=default
constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme(scoring_scheme_t const &scoring_scheme)
Initialises the simd vector match score and mismatch score from the given scoring scheme.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:104
constexpr alphabet_ranks_t make_score_profile(alphabet_ranks_t &&ranks) const noexcept
Returns the given simd vector without changing it (no-op).
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:176
constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme()=default
simd_score_t match_score
The simd vector for a match score.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:223
constexpr auto padding_match_score() noexcept
Returns the match score used for padded symbols.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:166
simd_score_t mismatch_score
The simd vector for a mismatch score.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:224
constexpr simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme(simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme &&)=default
Implementation of a masked alphabet to be used for tuple composites.
Definition: mask.hpp:35
The Concepts library.
constexpr auto assign_rank_to
Assign a rank to an alphabet object.
Definition: concept.hpp:244
A concept that requires that type be able to score two letters.
The internal SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
Provides seqan3::scoring_scheme_for.
A strong type of underlying type score_type that represents the score of two matching characters.
Definition: scoring_scheme_base.hpp:41
A strong type of underlying type score_type that represents the score two different characters.
Definition: scoring_scheme_base.hpp:66
seqan3::simd::simd_traits is the trait class that provides uniform interface to the properties of sim...
Definition: simd_traits.hpp:41
Provides seqan3::simd::simd_concept.